r stock price high just three years ago. However, the tides have turned. This month, Intel lost its spot on the Dow Jones Industrial Average, and some headlines even suggest it might be acquired by another company. But how did "Team Blue" find itself in this precarious position? Let's dive into the details. The Impact of Instability Issues: Overstated? Intel's recent struggles are often attributed to the instability of its 13th and 14th-gen chips within the gaming PC community. While these issues were well-publicized, their financial impact on Intel was minimal. The problematic chips represented a small subset of high-end models, while Intel's bread-and-butter business lies in selling mid-range chips to major computer manufacturers like Dell and Lenovo. So, the roots of Intel's decline lie elsewhere. The Turning Point: Intel's 10nm Struggles To truly understand Intel's predicament, we need to go back to 2015, when the company's attempts to produce chips on the 10-nanometer process hit a roadblock. Achieving 10nm would have enabled more powerful and energy-efficient chips—critical for staying competitive. However, Intel chose not to invest in extreme ultraviolet (EUV) lithography, a manufacturing technology that simplifies creating chips with smaller transistors. This decision wasn't just about technical conservatism. At the time, Intel faced little pressure from competitors. AMD was still struggling with its underwhelming Bulldozer CPUs, and Apple was a loyal customer for Intel processors in its Macs. Yet, the landscape began shifting rapidly after 2015. Competition Heats Up AMD's Renaissance : AMD's Zen architecture, launched in 2017, was an immediate hit. AMD began clawing back market share with competitive performance and pricing. : AMD's...QAMISHLI, Syria (AP) — Kurdish-led fighters in Syria, known as the Syrian Democratic Forces, said Tuesday they have launched a counter-offensive against the Turkish-backed Syrian National Army to take back areas near Syria’s northern border with Turkey . The Kurdish-led SDF is Washington’s critical ally in Syria, targeting sleeper cells of the extremist Islamic State group scattered across the country's east. Since the fall of the totalitarian rule of Bashar Assad earlier this month, clashes have intensified between the U.S.-backed group and the SNA, which captured the key city of Manbij and the areas surrounding it. The intense weekslong clashes come at a time when Syria, battered by over a decade of war and economic misery, negotiates its political future following half a century under the Assad dynasty’s rule. Ruken Jamal, spokesperson of the Women’s Protection Unit, or YPJ, which is under the SDF, told The Associated Press that its fighters are just over 11 kilometers (7 miles) away from the center of Manbij in their ongoing counter-offensive. She accused Ankara of trying to weaken the group’s influence in negotiations over Syria’s political future through the SNA, “Syria is now in a new phase, and discussions are underway about the future of the country,” Jamal said. “Turkey is trying, through its attacks, to distract us with battles and exclude us from the negotiations in Damascus.” A Britain-based opposition war monitor, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights, says that since the SNA’s offensive in northern Syria against the Kurds started earlier this month, dozens from both sides have been killed. U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin spoke on Tuesday with Turkish Minister of National Defense Yaşar Güler, according to Pentagon press secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder. Ryder said they discussed the ongoing situation in Syria, and Austin emphasized that close and continuous coordination is crucial to a successful effort to counter IS in the country. They also discussed the importance of setting the conditions to enable a more secure and stable Syria. Ankara sees the SDF as an affiliate of its sworn enemy, the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, which it classifies as a terrorist organization. Turkish-backed armed groups alongside Turkish jets for years have attacked positions where the SDF are largely present across northern Syria, in a bid to create a buffer zone free from the group along the large shared border. While the SNA was involved in the lightning insurgency — led by the Islamic group Hayat Tahrir al-Sham — that toppled Assad, it has continued its push against the SDF, seen as Syria’s second key actor for its political future. On Monday, the SDF spokesperson Farhad Shami said its forces pushed back the Turkish-backed rebels from areas near the Tishrin Dam on the Euphrates River, a key source of hydroelectric power. He said the SDF also destroyed a tank belonging to the rebels southeast of Manbij. The British-based war monitor said on Tuesday that the Kurdish-led group, following overnight fighting, has reclaimed four villages in the areas near the strategic dam. Turkish jets also pounded the strategic border town of Kobani in recent days. During Syria’s uprising-turned-conflict, the Kurds carved out an enclave of autonomous rule across northeastern Syria, never fully allying entirely with Assad in Damascus nor the rebels trying to overthrow him. Even with the Assad family out of the picture, it appears that Ankara’s position won’t change, with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan’s landmark visit to Syria maintaining a strong position on the Kurdish-led group in his meeting with HTS's de facto leader Ahmad al-Sharaa . “It has turned the region into a cauldron of terror with PKK members and far-left groups who have come from Turkey, Iraq, Iran and Europe," Fidan said in a news conference after the meeting. “The international community is turning a blind eye to this lawlessness because of the wardenship it provides (against IS).” With the ongoing fighting, SDF Commander Mazloum Abdi has expressed concern about a strong IS resurgence due to the power vacuum in Syria and the ongoing fighting, which has left the Kurdish-led group unable to carry out its attacks and raids on the extremists’ scattered sleeper cells. Tens of thousands of children, family members, and supporters of IS militants are still held in large detention centers in northeastern Syria, in areas under SDF control. Chehayeb reported from Beirut.
Art exhibition opens at PNCA to celebrate creativity and resilienceABU DHABI, Egyesült Arab Emírségek--(BUSINESS WIRE)--dec. 12, 2024-- Az Abu Dhabiban megrendezett Nemzetközi Mangrove Természetvédelmi és Restaurációs Konferencián a Fejlett Technológiai Kutatótanács VentureOne szervezete bemutatta a Nabat elnevezésű új klímatechnológiai vállalkozást, amely mesterséges intelligencia és robotika segítségével konzerválja és állítja helyre a mangrovefákat és más ökoszisztémákat a régióban. Ez a sajtóközlemény multimédia-tartalommal rendelkezik. A teljes tartalmat itt találja: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241211580764/hu/ Nabat, New Abu Dhabi Climate Tech Venture, to use AI and Robotics to Restore Mangroves and Boost Climate Resilience (Photo: AETOSWire) A Nabat bemutatta fejlett technológiáját, köztük drónokat, mesterséges intelligencia által hajtott szoftvereket, illetve rugalmas vetőmechanizmusokat, amelyeket az elkövetkező hét év során több ezer hektár mangrove megőrzésére és helyreállítására használnak majd az Egyesült Arab Emírségekben. A mangrovefák akár ötször több szenet tárolnak, mint az esőerdők, és létfontosságú részét képezik az Egyesült Arab Emírségek ökoszisztémájának, valamint a világ éghajlatváltozás elleni küzdelmének. „A Nabat kiváló példája annak, hogy az Egyesült Arab Emírségek hogyan fordítja a fejlett technológiát az emberiség javára” – árulta el Őexcellenciája (H.E.), Faisal Al Bannai, a Fejlett Technológiai Kutatótanács (ATRC) főtitkára. „Az innováció és a tudomány egyesítésével az ökoszisztémák helyreállítására, a biológiai sokféleség növelésére és a klímaváltozással szembeni ellenálló képesség erősítésére törekszünk, hogy felgyorsítsuk országunk nettó zéró kibocsátás felé vezető útját.” „A technológia és a természet gyakran ellentétesnek tűnnek – ám ha a kritikus problémák megoldása érdekében a technológiát tudományos alapú kutatással ötvözzük, a technológia a természet egyik legerősebb szövetségesévé válhat” – nyilatkozta Dr. Najwa Aaraj, az ATRC alkalmazott kutatási részlegének, a Technológiai Innovációs Intézetnek a vezérigazgatója, valamint a Nabat mögött álló technológia fejlesztője. „Rendszerünk segít megoldani a megőrzéssel kapcsolatos számos kritikus kihívást, amelyek közül az egyik legfontosabb az adatgyűjtés. Nincs két egyforma ökoszisztéma – mindegyikhez személyre szabott, adatvezérelt megközelítésre van szükség.” A Nabat mesterséges intelligencia (AI) és robotika precíziós térképezést, vetést és megfigyelést tesz lehetővé, biztosítva, hogy a megőrzés és helyreállítás minden ökoszisztéma egyedi és összetett igényeihez igazodjon. Ellentétben a hagyományos mangrove-ültetéssel, amely igen munkaigényes és akár a környező ökoszisztémákat is károsíthatja, a Nabat rendszere a lehető legkisebb hatást gyakorolja az élőhelyekre. A feltérképezési fázisban a Nabat technológiája hatalmas mennyiségű adatot szolgáltat a talajról, valamint a természetes élőhelyek sűrűségéről, magasságáról, illetve hidrológiájáról. A drón vetésmechanizmusa optimalizált pályatervezést és rugalmas vetésmintákat használ annak biztosítására, hogy a magokat pontosan és csak a szükséges módon ültessék el. A rendszer az elültetett fák biztonságos növekedése érdekében felügyeleti képességekkel is rendelkezik. A Nabat technológiája még a nehezen elérhető, távoli területeken is működik, így lehetővé teszi a konzervációs és helyreállítási erőfeszítések hatékony méretezését, miközben minimalizálja a költségeket. Reda Nidhakou, a VentureOne, a Nabat anyavállalatának megbízott vezérigazgatója a következőket mondta: „A VentureOne lelke olyan startupokat indít, amelyek úttörő technológiát hoznak el a világ számára. A legértékesebb technológia nem csupán innovatív, hatékony vagy nyereséges – a legfontosabb, hogy mérhető pozitív hatást fejtsen ki. Megtiszteltetés számomra, hogy a csapattal és tágabb ökoszisztémánkkal együttműködhettünk annak érdekében, hogy ilyen alapvető módon hozzájáruljunk az Egyesült Arab Emírségek fenntarthatósági utazásához.” Míg a vállalat kezdetben az Egyesült Arab Emírségekben található mangrovefákra összpontosít, a tervek szerint a régió más részeire is terjeszkedik majd, és további ökoszisztémákat szolgál ki, köztük sivatagos területeket, mezőgazdasági területeket, erdőket és korallzátonyokat. *Forrás: AETOSWire E közlemény hivatalos, mérvadó változata az eredeti forrásnyelven közzétett szöveg. A fordítás csak az olvasó kényelmét szolgálja, és összevetendo a forrásnyelven írt szöveggel, amely az egyetlen jogi érvénnyel bíró változat. Forrásverzió a businesswire.com címen: https://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241211580764/hu/ CONTACT: Audrey Fernandes Audrey.fernandes@edelman.com KEYWORD: MIDDLE EAST UNITED ARAB EMIRATES INDUSTRY KEYWORD: GREEN TECHNOLOGY ENVIRONMENT OTHER SCIENCE RESEARCH SUSTAINABILITY SOFTWARE ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH DATA MANAGEMENT DRONES SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY OTHER NATURAL RESOURCES AGRICULTURE NATURAL RESOURCES ROBOTICS CLIMATE CHANGE SOURCE: Nabat Copyright Business Wire 2024. PUB: 12/12/2024 02:10 PM/DISC: 12/12/2024 02:08 PM http://www.businesswire.com/news/home/20241211580764/hu
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Kaskela Law LLC announces that it is investigating Zuora, Inc. ZUO ("Zuora") on behalf of the company's investors. Additional information: https://kaskelalaw.com/case/zuora/ On October 17, 2024, Zuora announced that it had agreed to be acquired by an investment group led by private equity firm Silver Lake at a price of $10.00 per share in cash. Following the closing of the proposed transaction, Zuora's current stockholders will be cashed out of their investment position and the company's shares will no longer be publicly traded. The investigation seeks to determine whether Zuora shareholders are receiving sufficient consideration for their shares, and whether Zuora's officers and/or directors breached their fiduciary duties or violated the securities laws in agreeing to sell the company at $10.00 per share. Notably, shares of Zuora's common stock traded above $10.50 per share as recently as May 2024. Zuora shareholders are encouraged to contact Kaskela Law LLC (D. Seamus Kaskela, Esq. or Adrienne Bell, Esq.) at (484) 229 – 0750 to receive additional information about this investigation and their legal rights and options. Alternatively, investors may submit their information to the firm by clicking on the following link (or by copying and pasting the link into your browser): https://kaskelalaw.com/case/zuora/ Kaskela Law LLC exclusively represents investors in securities fraud, corporate governance, and merger & acquisition litigation on a contingent basis. For additional information about Kaskela Law LLC please visit www.kaskelalaw.com . CONTACT: KASKELA LAW LLC D. Seamus Kaskela, Esq. ( skaskela@kaskelalaw.com ) Adrienne Bell, Esq. ( abell@kaskelalaw.com ) 18 Campus Blvd., Suite 100 Newtown Square, PA 19073 (888) 715 – 1740 (484) 229 – 0750 www.kaskelalaw.com This notice may constitute attorney advertising in certain jurisdictions. © 2024 Benzinga.com. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved.
India Dominates Times Higher Education Rankings 2025 with 65 Universities ListedA wild first season of the expanded Big 12 is down to what should be a chaotic final weekend. Through all the upsets, unexpected rises and falls, there are nine teams still in the mix to play in the conference championship game. No. 14 Arizona State and No. 17 Iowa State have the best odds, yet a multitude of scenarios could play out — 256 to be exact. There's even the possibility of an eight-team tie. It may take a mathematician to figure out which teams are in the Dec. 7 game in Arlington, Texas — even for the ones who win. Travis Hunter, Colorado. The Buffaloes' two-way star has excelled on both sides of the field, making him one of the favorites to win the Heisman Trophy. Cam Skattebo, Arizona State. The senior running back can do a little of everything, but excels at punishing would-be tacklers. He's one of the nation's leaders in yards after contact and the focal point of the Sun Devils' offense. Shadeur Sanders, Colorado. If it weren't for Hunter, Sanders might be the Heisman favorite. The son of coach Deion Sanders, Shedeur is fifth nationally with 3,488 yards passing and has been a big part of the Buffaloes' turnaround. DJ Giddens, Kansas State. The Wildcats' running back is one of the nation's most versatile players. He is ninth nationally with 1,271 rushing yards and has added 21 receptions for 258 yards. Tetairoa McMillan, Arizona. The Wildcats have struggled this season, but McMillan has not. He is third nationally with 1,251 receiving yards with seven touchdowns on 78 catches. Jacob Rodriguez, Texas Tech. The Red Raiders' junior linebacker leads the Big 12 with 68 tackles, averaging 10.2 per game. He also has four sacks. Brendan Mott, Kansas State. He's a menace to opposing quarterbacks, leading the Big 12 with 8 1/2 sacks. The Big 12 has nine teams already bowl eligible and two more a win away. The winner of the Big 12 championship game will be in the mix for a College Football Playoff spot. Arizona State, Iowa State, No. 19 BYU, Colorado, Kansas State, Baylor, TCU, Texas Tech and West Virginia have already clinched bowl berths. Kansas and Cincinnati can get into the postseason with wins this weekend. Gus Malzahn, UCF. Despite successes in recruiting, the Knights are 10-14 in two seasons since moving to the Big 12. Maybe not enough to get shown the door this year, but another mediocre season could lead UCF to make a change. Kyle Whittingham, Utah. Whittingham was one of the Pac-12's best coaches, leading the Utes to consecutive conference titles. Utah was expected to contend for the Big 12 title its first year in the league, but enters the final weekend 1-7 in conference play, which could push Whittingham toward retirement since it's doubtful he'd be fired. Neal Brown, West Virginia. The Mountaineers' coach was in a precarious spot at the end of last season and West Virginia hasn't lived up to expectations this season. The Mountaineers are eligible to go to a bowl game for the second straight season, but Brown could be on the hot seat even after signing a contract extension before the season. Josiah Trotter, West Virginia. The redshirt freshman is the latest Trotter to have success at the linebacker position, following the footsteps of his father, former Philadelphia Eagles player Jeremiah Trotter, and brother Jeremiah Trotter Jr., a current Eagles linebacker. Sam Leavitt, Arizona State. The Michigan State transfer has been just what the Sun Devils' needed: an agile quarterback who extends plays with his legs and rarely makes bad decisions. Bryson Washington, Baylor. The Bears' running back has rushed for 812 yards — 196 against TCU — and 10 TDs. TCU has the Big 12's highest rated 2025 recruiting class with six four-star players among 26 commitments, according to the 247 Sports composite. Receiver Terry Shelton of Carrollton, Texas, is the highest-rated recruit at 71st nationally. Baylor is next with five five-star players among its 20 commitments, including running back Michael Turner, rated 13th at his position out of North Richland Hills, Texas. Texas Tech is ranked seventh in the Big 12, but has four four-star recruits. Get local news delivered to your inbox!