"Death Stranding 2" has been a hot topic of discussion ever since the release of the original game in 2019, developed by renowned game designer Hideo Kojima. The unique blend of open-world exploration, storytelling, and innovative gameplay mechanics in the first "Death Stranding" captivated players and critics alike. With the game ending on a cliffhanger and leaving many questions unanswered, fans have been eagerly anticipating a sequel to continue the enigmatic narrative.The announcement of the remake has sparked excitement and nostalgia among gamers who fondly remember the original release. "The Talos Principle" was not just a game but an experience that immersed players in a thought-provoking journey through ancient ruins, advanced technology, and deep philosophical themes. The game's narrative, written by renowned author Tom Jubert and philosophical writer Jonas Kyratzes, explored questions about consciousness, identity, and the nature of reality, setting it apart from traditional puzzle games.In the latest team strength ranking released by OPTA, English Premier League champions Liverpool emerged as the top-ranked team, showcasing their dominance and consistency in the world of football. This ranking is based on various statistical data and performance metrics, providing valuable insights into the current form and quality of football clubs across different leagues.
Raipur: Former Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel, Opposition Leader Dr. Charan Das Mahant, State Congress President Deepak Baij, former Deputy Chief Minister T.S. Singh Deo, and other Congress leaders have expressed their deep sorrow over the passing of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, who died in New Delhi on Thursday night. In his message, former Chief Minister Baghel said that he got the sad news of the death of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh. Dr Manmohan Singh was the finance minister of the country for five years and prime minister till 10 years. He had taken various economic reforms. RTI and other laws were implemented in the country during his tenure, said Baghel. Former Chief Minister Baghel said that he was closely associated with him and he used to take advice from him. Baghel wrote on his X, “We will give voice to your thoughts. We will give a start to your dream. I give so much assurance when you leave, we will give due consideration to your intentions. Goodbye “national worker” Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji”. महान राष्ट्रकर्मी को अंतिम प्रणाम.🙏🏻 आपकी कमी कभी पूरी नहीं हो सकेगी. आज दिल्ली में पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री डॉ मनमोहन सिंह जी के अंतिम दर्शन कर उन्हें पुष्पांजलि अर्पित की. इस दौरान उनकी धर्मपत्नी जी के साथ दुःख बाँटा. ईश्वर यह दुःख सहने की सभी को शक्ति दे. pic.twitter.com/E5mxHl4yXg बात 1994-95 की है. मैं पहली बार विधायक बना था. मेरे विधानसभा क्षेत्र में एक स्टील फ़ाउंड्री का मामला मज़दूरों के ज़रिये मेरे पास आया. वह अविभाजित मध्य प्रदेश की दूसरी बड़ी फ़ाउंड्री थी और आर्थिक संकट में थी. मामला कुछ ऐसा था कि सिर्फ़ केंद्र सरकार ही कुछ कर सकती थी. मैंने दुर्ग... pic.twitter.com/tIuJj9DxH8 भारत के पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री डॉक्टर मनमोहन सिंह जी के निधन पर शोक व्यक्त करता हूँ। वे एक महान नेता, एक अनुभवी अर्थशास्त्री और एक सच्चे देशभक्त थे। उनका निधन देश के लिए एक अपूरणीय क्षति है। उनके परिवार, मित्रों और समर्थकों के प्रति अपनी गहरी संवेदना व्यक्त करते है और प्रार्थना करते... pic.twitter.com/8glKHrt6mf Dr Charan Das Mahant wrote on his X, “I express my condolences on the demise of former Prime Minister of India Dr Manmohan Singh. He was a great leader, an experienced economist and a true patriot. His demise is an irreparable loss for the country. Express my deepest condolences to his family, friends and supporters and pray that God rests his soul and gives strength and courage to his family at this sad time. The legacy of Dr. Manmohan Singh Ji will always remain in our hearts and we will try to serve the country by taking inspiration from his works. Om Shanti.” मनमोहन सिंह जी खुद कम बोलते थे, मगर उनका काम ऐसा बोलता था कि पूरा विश्व उनका हमेशा प्रशंसक रहेगा। अपनी आर्थिक नीतियों से उन्होंने भारत देश को एक नई ऊंचाई तक पहुंचा दिया। पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह जी का निधन देश और कांग्रेस पार्टी के लिए बहुत बड़ी क्षति है। ईश्वर से... pic.twitter.com/RusMSn2qe4 State Congress President Baij wrote on his X, “Manmohan Singh Ji himself spoke less, but his work spoke such that the whole world will always be his admirer. With his economic policies he took India to a new height. The demise of former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh is a big loss for the country and the Congress party. We pray to God to grant peace to the departed soul and give strength to the family to bear this unbearable loss. Om Shanti.” पूर्व प्रधानमंत्री डॉ मनमोहन सिंह जी के पार्थिव शरीर को अपनी विनम्र श्रद्धांजलि अर्पित की। एक महान नेता और अर्थशास्त्री के रूप में उन्होंने देश को अपना सर्वस्व समर्पित कर दिया। देश के अमीर व्यापारी से ले कर साधारण कर्मचारी तक उनका अमूल्य योगदान नहीं भूल पाएंगे। भारत आपको सदा याद... pic.twitter.com/x196jHOMaH Former Deputy Chief Minister Singhdeo wrote on his X, “Very sad news was received about the demise of former Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh, an efficient administrator and a hero of economic reforms in India. The country will always remember Manmohan Singh Ji for taking India forward in the direction of globalization by getting it out of the economic crisis in 1991. The country will be indebted to Manmohan Singh Ji for his contribution in making India a nuclear super power. Your journey from an ordinary family to reaching the post of Prime Minister is a source of inspiration for everyone. Maintaining political correctness despite all the personal attacks was the biggest feature of your simple and gentle behaviour. The void left in Indian politics by your departure will never be filled. I express my condolences to the family of Dr. Manmohan Singh in this difficult time.”
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